I've been trying to think of new ways to get my rather disinterested 3 year old to sit on the potty for more than 2 seconds - bribery doesn't work, books get old quick and any attempts at conversation are met with "all done potty?". Now we sing church songs, and lately he's been asking to sing to me rather than the other way around. I swear I feel like my heart is going to burst as he quietly sings "A Child's Prayer" or "I Love to See the Temple" in his sweet little voice.
I feel so grateful to be Emmett's mom...parenting him has taught me so many things. Him and I are very different personality wise; I am fiercely independant, he is completely unenthused about learning to do pretty much anything for himself. I have a hard time shutting up, his philosophy is "why use 10 words when 1 will do?". He has forced me to learn patience, humility and how to let go of things that aren't that important.
It's kind of interesting to watch Em amongst a group of his peers...he's definitely got his own little drumbeat going on. He loves to be around other kids, but doesn't really feel the need to play with anyone else yet. If someone steals a toy from him, he barely seems to notice...or at most quietly takes it back without comment. He's kind to his little brother (who, BTW is ever so pleased when The Great Em acknowledges his existence) and, despite a blossoming bossy streak , is really well behaved as far as 3 year olds go. I do worry about him sometimes (Will his speech ever catch up to his peers? Will he make friends at preschool?), but I try hard to remind myself that he's doing his own thing and getting there in his own time.
I've really got to post some pictures on here - I've got a camera full but my cord has mysteriously walked away (probably to a toy box), so I'll add pics as soon as I can.