Monday, January 11, 2010

Post Christmas Detox

I'm not much of a crowd follower...if everybody starts doing something that's usually enough to make me NOT want to do it (case in point: the whole of facebook still doesn't know the colour of my bra ;)). However, this year I decided to be totally lame/cliche/sheep-like and resolve to eat better and lose weight starting January 1. I lost about 25 lbs last year and then sort of lost my resolve (and by what I'm sure is some sort of miracle, maintained that loss). I've got another 10-15lbs to lose so I figured now was the time to kick it back into high gear!

I'm loosely following Weight Watchers (I did that program hard core for a couple of years in college, so I know it well) and eating mostly whole foods. There's a book I've been hearing a lot about that just came out called "Food Rules", by Michael Pollan. His philosophy is "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." He includes such things as "the whiter your bread, the quicker you're dead" and "don't eat things your great-grandmother wouldn't have recognized as food". Sounds like a good philosophy to me!

I'm mostly a scratch cooker, so it hasn't been too much of a switch...just cutting back on the fattening condiments, watching portions, and no more weekly candy binges. I've always been good about making sure that Emmett doesn't eat too much junk food (good thing Grandma and Oma always hook him up with dessert at their houses or the poor kid would be totally deprived!), but I'd eat it myself without a second thought...not the best example. I'm finding healthier treats - my brother and sister in law got us a stove top popcorn popper for Christmas and I love popping some corn with a bit of olive oil. I get some healthy oil and it makes our place smell like movie theatre win!

Now I just have to get through baking Sether's birthday cupcakes this weekend without too much "sampling"...

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm glad that the popcorn popper is working out great!
