Thursday, May 20, 2010

This just in...

...having stomach flu is downright unpleasant. Also, my mother is a saint. Yesterday I came down with stomach flu, and I was having a really hard time taking care of the kids, but James couldn't come home (he was the only one in his department at work and they would have had to shut the site down if he left). I was starting to panic a little, and I called my mom. She came right over and took the boys so I could rest, even though that meant she had to go back to work in the evening. Moms rock.

I'm starting to recover today, although I feel like I've been in a fight and the smell of food, any food, just about sends me over the edge. It's like really bad morning sickness, only all I'm incubating is a cute baby virus. Bummer.

Anyhoo, since I'm stuck in bed and James is on kid duty, I thought I'd do some random blogging.

A couple of days ago Em and I were reading a Mercer Mayer book (LOVE those books!), when he noticed an ad on the back cover for this book:

Em LOVES "Just Grandma and Me", so I told him I would get on the computer and ask it to find us a copy of the book. I went to the library website and found a branch we'd never been to before that had a copy - I told Em and he was SO pleased! So off we went on our library adventure...and let me tell you, once he had that book in his hand he couldn't get the smile off of his face. I love that little things like that make him so happy. Seth's even easier to impress...he just kept running around the library saying "Wow! WOW!". He was happy until I wouldn't let him go down a certain hallway, so he headbutted me in a fit of toddler rage and then fell against a window and cut his head open. It takes a special kind of kid to figure out how to draw blood at the LIBRARY. That's my Sethers!

Other random stuff: we spent all of last weekend packing, and we're well on our way. James even found some stuff tucked up in a crawlspace that we didn't know was there! We found a huge Japanese fan (the kind you hang on the wall), and judging from the box we think it's from the 60's or 70's. We're going to keep it when we move, because it's just cool. We also found some weiner sticks that, well...let's just say I wouldn't bring them to the ward picnic. That's right, we have been unknowingly harboring X-rated campfire cooking implements for the past 4 years. You should have seen the look on James' face when he found those! So if anyone's looking to spice up their next weiner roast, I guess I can hook you up. ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Yesterday I took the boys to what will soon be our new neighborhood - we've driven through a few times but had never gotten out and walked, so I grabbed the stroller and we set off to see what we could find.

We walked through our new complex, and I pointed out which unit is going to be ours (Emmett was pleased about that and wanted to go inside right NOW). We met the 3 little kids that live just 3 doors down. We figured out a path to snake through to the elementary school down the street, and we tested out the playground equipment. :) We watched a bunch of teenagers play basketball, which was hands down the most exciting part of the whole excursion for Seth! I also learned that Emmett is quickly moving into a "chase little girls around the playground" phase, which was apparently a favorite past time of his father at that age. ;)

I felt really relaxed in our new ' reminded me a lot of my own childhood. I spent my preschool/elementary years living in a townhouse complex - I had lots of kids to play with, a little park, and school was right next door. I really liked living there, and hopefully Em and Seth will enjoy the same type of upbringing.

We take possession in 4 weeks and 4 days, but who's counting? ;)